Shekouba Sesay  LLB, LLM, FICA

Head of Compliance, Guernsey

Shek is an Executive Director of Equiom (Guernsey) Limited and Head of its compliance function, ensuring all aspects of the Guernsey business meet regulatory requirements.

As a Fellow of the International Compliance Association (FICA) with diplomas in both Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering, he is committed to promoting best practice across the business and nurturing an effective risk management culture. He has been previously named in the eprivateclient 'Top 35 under 35' private client advisors, in recognition of his fundamental role in advising and training client advisory staff in areas of legal and regulatory compliance.

He has worked for more than 16 years in senior compliance roles within the offshore trust and corporate services industry. 

Shek holds both a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Sussex. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from Thames Valley University (now the University of West London).

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